ICT applications as e-health solutions in rural healthcare in the Eastern Cape Province of South Africa.

The potential of ICT for rural communities

Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have the

potential to improve the lives of people in rural communities. According

to the United Nations Development Program (United Nations Development

Program 2006, cited in Ruxwana 2009), increased use of ICTs enhances

service delivery by:

* delivering economies of scale to improve access to basic services

* optimising service delivery

* providing incentives for development and transfer of new

technologies and products

* increasing efficiency through enhanced connectivity and exchange

of knowledge

* enabling regions to focus on delivering services where they have

a comparative advantage

* providing access to digital development for continuous


ICTs are changing rapidly, as are businesses surrounding their

implementation (Louw & Hanmer 2002). The need to develop and

organise new ways to provide efficient healthcare services has thus been

accompanied by major technological advances, resulting in a dramatic

increase in the use of ICT applications in healthcare and e-health.


Integration and assimilation of e-health into the everyday life of

healthcare workers is becoming a reality in developing as well as

developed countries (World Health Organisation 2004). ICTs enable online

communication about medical issues and diagnosis of complicated diseases

by linking medical practitioners who are separated geographically. They

have the potential to change the delivery of healthcare services and

patient care, as well as the management of healthcare systems. According

to Eysenbach (2001), e-health is an emerging field in the intersection

of medical informatics, public health and business, with referral and

information delivery enhanced through the Internet and related

technologies. In a broader sense, the term characterises not only a

technical development, but also a state-of-mind, a way of thinking, an

attitude, and a commitment for networked, global thinking to improve

healthcare locally, regionally and worldwide by using information and

communication technologies. Thus, ICTs are widely perceived to have the

capability, if used effectively, to bridge social and economic gaps that

divide rural and urban communities (Gurstein 2000, 2005), improving

access and providing a wider range of health services to enhance the

wellbeing of underprivileged people, such as those in the Eastern Cape

Province of South Africa.

Implementation of ICTs in South Africa

The Presidential National Commission (PNC) on Information Society

and Development (2006) states that ICT applications such as e-health are

suitable for addressing the digital divide between rural and urban

populations, including rich and poor, young and old, males and females,

and unequal distribution of health professionals, particularly in

specialist healthcare. Computerised health information systems can

improve treatment of patients, management of health institutions, and

provide up-to-date information for policy and decision making. The PNC

defines e-health as the combined utilisation of electronic communication

and information technology to generate, transmit, store and retrieve

digital data for clinical, educational and administrative purposes

(Presidential National Commission on Information Society and Development


According to the Municipal Demarcation Board (2007), the Eastern

Cape Province is generally regarded as one of the poorer provinces in

the country, even though it has played a significant historical role. It

consists of six district municipalities and 38 local municipalities. The

vision of the Department of Economic Development and Environmental

Affairs in the Eastern Cape Province states that:

... the province strives to be devoid of the inequalities of the

past, to be unified through an integrated and sustainable, economic,

social and cultural development; and thus to provide an acceptable

quality of life for its entire people in the context of a united,

non-racial, non-sexist and democratic South Africa (Eastern Cape

Province 2007:3).

In contrast, Thom (2007) states that this province is known as

'home to the poorest districts in the country'. Similarly, the

Eastern Cape Department of Health (2006) is committed to attracting

appropriately qualified employees to areas of service delivery with

greatest need, to retaining good employees through a program of

compensation and personal development in order to sustain quality

healthcare, and to implementing e-health solutions through telemedicine

programs that support education, training and academic services. In

spite of these efforts, the Eastern Cape health system has continued to

be plagued by challenges such as staff shortages, poor management and

weak primary care, coupled with high levels of poverty and

unsatisfactory access to basic services such as piped water (Thom 2007).

The research problem

Although there are many ICT solutions available (e.g. electronic

health records (EHR), hospital information systems, district health

information systems, telemedicine, patient portals, OpenMRS [Hanseth

& Aanestad 2003]), they are neither well-known nor much used in

developing rural areas in South Africa. One possible explanation for

this anomaly is the limited availability of suitable technologies.

According to Herselman and Jacobs (2003), the development of the local

economy in rural South Africa, and Africa in general, is severely

compromised by lack of infrastructure, services and expertise. This is

especially the case for enabling technologies in the information and

communication technology arena.

Although it is generally accepted that ICTs have the potential to

promote rural development in a number of ways, most scholars believe

that the mere presence of ICTs, although vital, is not enough to realise

development (Heeks 2002; Herselman & Jacobs 2003; Littlejohns, Wyatt

& Garvican 2003; Olugbara et al 2006; Uys 2006). What is needed is

the effective use of ICTs in rural developmental interventions (Gurstein

2005), and attention to prerequisite variables that facilitate this.

Mansell and Wehn (1998) suggest prerequisites include access to ICTs, a

variety of ICT-related skills (for producing and using ICTs and ICT

services), and an appropriate policy framework. Conradie and Jacobs

(2003) mention access to a supporting communication infrastructure that

can serve as a link to relevant networks such as the Internet, while van

Audenhove (2001) adds an appropriate 'infostructure' system

that can provide suitable content and applications via the ICTs.

Another approach is to consider individual psychological variables

that might underlie technology acceptance and use. According to the

Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) (Davis 1989, 1993) and the Unified

Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) (Venkatesh et al.

2003), two variables impact on the decision to actually use available

ICTs: the Perceived Usefulness (PU) of that technology and the Perceived

Ease of Use (PEU). PU can be described as the extent to which a person

believes that using a particular technology will meet that person's

need(s) or enhance job performance. Thus, PU is largely to do with

perceived benefits of using the technology and it is possible that some

of the above-mentioned prerequisites for effective ICT use might also be

perceived to be such benefits. Availability of useful information (the

content of an ICT application) could heighten its perceived usefulness,

as could a supportive policy framework. The PEU variable describes the

extent to which a person believes that using a particular technology

will be free of effort. Even a useful technology application may not be

used if users perceive it too complicated to use or that performance

benefits of usage are outweighed by the effort involved (Davis, Bagozzi

& Warshaw 1989; Sandberg & Wahlberg 2006). PEU has to do with

perceived barriers to using the technology; it is also affected by

variables relating to levels of ICT access, access to supporting

communication infrastructures and the Internet, and ICT-related skills.

There are many barriers to the implementation of e-health solutions

that cause delays or hinder its use. The Commission of the European

Communities (2004) stated that healthcare systems around the world are

faced with major challenges, although their nature and scale differ

between developed and developing countries. The challenges and setbacks

facing implementation of e-health in rural areas of South Africa are the

focus of the present study and warrant further detailing here.

Challenges facing adoption of e-health solutions in South Africa

The South African health sector faces many challenges, such as

epidemics, historical issues, and factors that impact directly on the

digital divide between developed and developing countries. Rural

communities in particular are compromised by lack of infrastructure,

services and expertise, limited resources, low literacy levels and

professional isolation (Herselman & Jacobs 2003; Littlejohns Wyatt

& Garvican 2003; Olugbara et al. 2006; Uys 2006). Adoption and

implementation of e-health solutions is often delayed when underlying

problems are not resolved. For instance:

* According to IT-Online (2007), the four fundamentals of e-health

solutions are improved access to healthcare, improved quality of care,

illness prevention and health promotion, and better efficiency (i.e.

better healthcare for the same or lower costs). However, the healthcare

sector does not fully benefit from these fundamentals due to delays in

reaching agreement on best practice and processes. In South Africa,

there appears to be no uniform healthcare approach, let alone a system

that can be truly proffered as a proven template for reform that enables

by means of technology. Yet the recognised benefits of reform and

automation go hand-in-hand.

* The lack of standardisation and integration between health

information systems are major barriers to the full realisation of the

benefits of e-health solutions. When systems are integrated and there is

a standard way of keeping and updating patient records, only one entry

is necessary for each patient. Thus, duplication of diagnosis and

patient history is avoided, medical errors reduced and costs saved.

* Further challenges in providing access to healthcare services are

due to geographic distribution, as much of the population resides in

rural areas. One way to keep information in one place is to implement a

card system. A 'smartcard' can be read electronically when a

patient goes to a hospital or clinic (IT-Online 2007).

* ICT infrastructure across the country needs to be improved in

order to support not only transfer of information across the country,

but also a successful e-health solution such as EHR. Some rural

hospitals have little or no access to technological resources, a major

barrier to implementing solutions (Jacobs 2003).

* Establishing a unique patient identifier is another challenge. In

rural areas, some adults and children do not have ID documents, while

those that do might not have ready access to their ID documents when

hospitalised. Moreover, some people have the same names. Date of birth

can also be problematic, as many of the rural aged population have no

idea of their birth date, but know instead that they were born, for

example, 'on the day of rain'. Identifying the right person

quickly when searching for medical information is essential if the

system is to be trusted by those who use it. IT-Online (2007) believes

the right search mechanism, which is fast and accurate, should be built

into the solutions.

In addition to these inherent problems, shortcomings in the

knowledge and the skills of patients and health professionals to use ICT

solutions represent other challenges. Even when implemented, the

benefits of ICT cannot be realised if people are unable to use it. One

challenge is to train people in the use of ICT solutions so they can

improve their health or quality of service. However, there are other

challenges that also need to be addressed before e-health solutions can

be implemented in rural areas in South Africa.

The present study

The present paper focuses on factors perceived to impinge on

effective use of ICTs as e-health solutions in a Province of South

Africa. The aim of the study was to better understand how ICTs can be

used more effectively to improve the health system in a selected number

of rural Eastern Cape healthcare centres and to make recommendations for

their implementation.

The following general question and sub-questions were posed:

What factors influence effective use of ICTs as e-health solutions

in specified healthcare centres?

* Sub-question 1: What technologies are currently in place that can

support e-health solutions?

* Sub-question 2: What is the level of access to computer equipment

at healthcare centres?

* Sub-question 3: What is the level of access to the Internet at

healthcare centres?

* Sub-question 4: What are the perceived benefits of ICT

applications in rural healthcare centres?

* Sub-question 5: What are the perceived barriers to ICT

applications in rural healthcare centres?


Methodological approach and measures

A multiple-case study methodology was applied. This is a type of

qualitative research design whereby the researcher investigates a chain

of single entities, phenomena or cases confined by time and activity and

collects detailed information by using a variety of data collection

procedures during a sustained period of time (Creswell 2003:12).

According to Yin (2002), a case study of this nature is an empirical

investigation of an existing event within its environment. It is mainly

used when the boundaries between the event and its environment are not

clearly evident. Several means can be applied to collect data using this

approach (e.g. interviews, surveys, document analysis, observation,

focus groups, questionnaires [Cooper & Schindler 2003]). It allows

specific cases to be studied in greater detail from the viewpoint of the

participant by using multiple sources of data (Feagin, Orum &

Sjoberg 1991). For the present purposes, questionnaire items and

interviews were formulated in accordance with the sub-questions of this

study to yield information about the perceptions of the participants on

the following matters:

* the different types of ICTs currently available at the healthcare


* the current access to computer equipment at the healthcare


* the current access to the Internet a the healthcare centres

* the benefits that ICT applications can bring to healthcare

services and communities in the rural healthcare centres, and

* the perceived barriers for ICT applications in rural healthcare



Rural areas and healthcare centres

Five healthcare centres in the Eastern Cape Province were selected

from two of the most underprivileged districts, namely, OR Tambo and

Alfred Nzo districts. The OR Tambo district, with a population of nearly

two million people, is regarded as the poorest district in the country

with virtually only a quarter of residents having access to piped water

(Thom 2007). Similarly, only 40% of residents in Alfred Nzo district

have access to piped water. Health indicators in this district are also

poor, with the tuberculosis cure rate at 36% and the district having

very high and increasing stillbirth and prenatal mortality rates (Thom

2007). Figure 1 contains a map of the Eastern Cape Province in which

these two selected districts have been highlighted.

The five rural healthcare centres that participated in this

research were the Nessie Knight Hospital, the St. Lucy's Hospital,

the Madzikane Ka-Zulu Memorial Hospital, the Nelson Mandela General

Hospital and the Tsilitwa Clinic. Table 1 illustrates their locations.

These centres are difficult to access due to road and transport issues.

Each hospital is the only centre to render healthcare services in its

specific village (except for a few clinics that focus on welfare of

children). Communities have to travel for long distances to get to these

healthcare centres. Issues such as the quality of service, efficiency

and the standard of health care provided, as well as cost reduction in

these healthcare centres, are of vital importance. Thus, these

healthcare centres were selected due to their remoteness; the large

community each has to serve, and the fact that some already have

telemedicine solutions implemented (Eastern Cape Department of Health



A total of 56 people were interviewed, 38 of whom had completed a

questionnaire prior to interview. Participants were grouped into three

categories: (a) hospital managers, (b) staff (doctors, nurses and

administration clerks/personnel), and (c) hospital inpatients at the

time of data collection. (Tables 2 and 3 refer).

Sample selection

Care was taken to ensure that each of the three groups contained a

range of people from different backgrounds for both the interview and

the questionnaire. Participants consisted of a mix of youths or

students, elderly people, professional nurses, assistant nurses, clerks,

doctors, matrons and hospital managers. It was hoped that this broad

range of respondents would contribute to the generalisability of the


Survey instruments

For each group, a detailed questionnaire and interview schedule was

drafted. (Summary details of these survey instruments are included in

Appendix A. For the purposes of this publication, only information

relating to responses of direct relevance to the present research

questions has been reported). Managers and staff provided information on

all research questions, while patients' responses generally yielded

data on perceived benefits of and barriers to ICT applications in rural


* Questionnaires: A total of 38 completed questionnaires were

received: 9 from Madzikane Ka-Zulu Memorial Hospital; 12 from Nelson

Mandela General Hospital; 8 from Nessie Knight Hospital; 7 from St.

Lucy's Hospital and the remaining 2 from the Tsilitwa Clinic. Table

2 indicates the distribution and response rate from each hospital.

* Face-to-face interviews: Table 3 details the number and

distribution of face-to-face interviews conducted by the researcher

(NLR) between January and March, 2007. A total of 56 people were

interviewed in five rural healthcare centres: 12 from Madzikane Ka-Zulu

Memorial Hospital, 12 from Nelson Mandela General Hospital, 11 from

Nessie Knight Hospital, 12 from St. Lucy's Hospital, and 9 from the

Tsilitwa Clinic. Interviews conducted among hospital staff and

administrators were mostly a follow-up to previously administered


Ethics approval

Ethics approval from the Eastern Cape Department of Health was

obtained before any information was gathered from any of the healthcare

centres concerned.


Responses obtained through questionnaires and interviews are

combined and presented in terms of the light they shed on the five

research sub-questions, the main goal being to identify factors

perceived to influence the use of e-health solutions in specified rural

areas of South Africa.

Sub-question 1: ICTs currently available at the healthcare centres

The purpose of the first sub-question was to investigate the number

and type of ICTs that were available and could support e-health

solutions in each of the healthcare centres. The main findings obtained

by means of the questionnaires completed by the managers of the five

healthcare centres studied are presented in Table 4 (due to security

constraints the exact number could not be disclosed).When questionnaire

data were interpreted in combination with subsequent interview data, the

following details became evident with regard to each hospital:

* Nessie Knight Hospital had telemedicine equipment and Internet

capabilities but there were few computers in the hospital, which would

limit the realisation of any benefits ICTs might offer. This was

illustrated by a respondent: 'The hospital has a few computers that

are only available for telemedicine services, which are out of order due

to unreliable Internet service'.

* Technology levels in St. Lucy's Hospital were slightly

better, but still seen as limited (e.g. 'The hospital has few

computers and unreliable telephone').

* Tsilitwa Clinic had a computer used mostly for telemedicine

services (e.g. 'The computer, digital camera, telephone and

Internet ... are only used for telemedicine services'). These

services were also hampered by unreliable Internet service.

* Madzikane Ka-Zulu Hospital had a larger number of ICTs available

(computers, printers, a Local Area Network (LAN), telemedicine equipment

and a computerised radiology system). However, they were distributed in

such a way that only certain departments could reap benefits (e.g.

'Computers, telemedicine equipment and Internet services are there

in selected departments'). Lack of maintenance and technical

support was seen as a barrier to the effective use of these


* Nelson Mandela General Hospital had a relatively wide range of

ICTs and telemedicine equipment (e.g. 'computers and telephone

services'), and had adopted and implemented some technology

solutions, such as a computerised patient administration system.

However, several departments did not have computerised facilities, which

limits the realisation of benefits (e.g. 'The hospital has limited

and unreliable technologies; computers and Internet services are only

available in selected departments').

Sub-question 2: Actual access to computers at the healthcare


A total of 56 participants were interviewed to answer this

question. Although almost all centres had some existing ICTs and

telemedicine services, lack of access to computers by staff and

management was seen as a common problem. For example, in only two of the

five healthcare centres (Madzikane and Tsilitwa) did managers have any

access to a computer, while access level of staff members to computers

was zero at Nessie Knight and only 17% at both St. Luc/ s and Madzikane

healthcare centres. Even at Nelson Mandela General Hospital,

staff's 33% access to computers was considerably lower than access

levels of their patients to computers elsewhere. The seemingly high 50%

level of access at Tsilitwa merely meant that one of the two

participating staff members there could use the clinic's only


Sub-question 3: Actual access to the Internet at the healthcare


The purpose was to investigate how many participants at healthcare

centres had access to the Internet. Again, 56 participants were

interviewed and answered that there was limited access to Internet

services in the healthcare centres. None of the participants from St.

Lucy's and Nessie Knight Hospitals had Internet access. At hospital

management level, only the manager of Madzikane Ka-Zulu Memorial

Hospital had access. With regard to hospital staff, one person from

Tsilitwa Clinic could access the Internet, and about a sixth of staff at

Madzikane Ka-Zulu and Nelson Mandela healthcare centres. In only one

hospital (Nelson Mandela) did patients have Internet access.

Sub-question 4: Perceived benefits of ICTs in rural healthcare


A total of 25 participants (hospital staff) were asked by means of

questionnaires and interviews to indicate what benefits applications of

ICTs (computers, Internet, telephones) could have for improving

healthcare in rural healthcare centres. Responses indicated that rural

healthcare professionals believed in technology's capability to

provide some resolution to many challenges facing rural healthcare

services. More than 80% of questionnaire respondents (staff working in

five selected rural healthcare centres) believed that ICTs could provide

all six of the following benefits: enhancing quality of rural healthcare

services, reducing costs, eliminating errors, providing a platform for

personal development of hospital staff, speeding up health services, and

making it easier to store and access health-related information.

Patients were also interviewed with regard to possible benefits of

ICTs. Most believed ICTs to be a potentially critical factor for their

wellness. From the patients' viewpoint, ICTs could save time and

travelling costs, could provide timely access to emergency services and

provide telemedicine services and other specialised services in hospital

theatres. The following are some examples of their comments on how ICTs

could help:

* Nelson Mandela General Hospital: 'Technology provides a safe

environment to store information and easier access', and

'Computers save time: we wait in queues as they just check your


* Madzikane ka-Zulu Memorial Hospital: 'Cellular phones help

to call ambulance or a special car in cases of emergency; ... (better)

than sending someone to go to the hospital or (to) look for a car'.

* Nessie Knight Hospital: 'Technologies help doctors to

diagnose the complex medical cases'.

* Tsilitwa Clinic: 'Telemedicine saves money and time spent on

travelling long distances to doctors, here in Tsilitwa they use computer

and camera to get help from a doctor in East London (a well-resourced

city located about 400km away) about dermatological problems'.

* St Lucy's Hospital: 'Technology saves time, saves life

and reduces the work load to the nurses ... it helps them'.

Sub-question 5: Perceived barriers for using ICT applications

The 25 participating hospital staff members were asked in

questionnaires and during interviews to indicate, from a list of

options, which barriers they felt were preventing them from using ICTs

for e-health purposes. Table 5 shows that all staff members interviewed

believed that a lack of information (i.e. a lack of relevant content for

ICT applications) was a major barrier to using ICT applications as

e-health solutions. ICT and telemedicine equipment was generally

perceived to be old and unreliable. Almost all participants believed

that a lack of computer equipment was still a major barrier to adoption

of e-health solutions. Another perceived barrier was the lack of

computer skills among the staff. Interestingly, nobody considered fear

of computers, or the possibility that ICT applications might disagree

with their working style, as being barriers. Similarly, the cost of ICT

applications was not seen as a problem.

From responses of patients interviewed, it is evident they also

believed the following to be barriers:

* A lack of sufficient ICT equipment, as illustrated by the

following comments: 'There is no technology in rural healthcare

centres.' 'Rural hospitals have no computers used.'

'Technology needs resources such as power, phones and computers,

and those resources are not there or are unreliable in rural healthcare

centres; hence advanced technologies are only in the cities.'

* A lack of ICT-related skills and knowledge among staff (e.g.

'They don't have information about them, including the nurses,

I'm sure there are some who don't know how a computer looks

like here.' 'The rural hospital staff have limited information

about them (technologies) I guess.').

* Unreliable equipment (e.g. 'The unreliable telephone stopped

the telemedicine use in this clinic and now we have to travel for

help.' 'They bring unreliable technologies into rural

healthcare centres.').

* Inadequate maintenance of ICTs ('They [technologies] stay

out of order without support.').


The present study has attempted to better understand how ICTs can

be used more effectively to improve the health system in a selected

number of rural Eastern Cape healthcare centres. The main research

question was to determine what factors were perceived to influence

effective use of ICT applications as e-health solutions. Although all

centres had some ICTs or telemedicine services, these were generally

perceived (by hospital staff and patients) to be inadequate. Reasons for

this view included that too few computers available and that ICTs were

unreliable. A second factor investigated was access to computers by

healthcare centre staff and management; a third factor was the access to

Internet. Both of these factors appear to be relevant for adoption of

e-health solutions. Only two of five healthcare managers had access to a

computer, and at most centres remaining staff's lack of access to

computers was seen by them as a problem. Internet access was limited in

all centres studied; only one hospital manager and a small number of

staff had Internet access.

Successful ICT applications in rural areas require investment in

infrastructure on three levels: (a) access to ICTs (Mansell & When

1998); (b) access to supporting communication infrastructure and

networks (Conradie & Jacobs 2003); and (c) a supportive policy

framework. According to Gurstein (2005), the mere presence of and access

to ICTs in rural areas is unlikely to be effective without relevant

ICT-related skills, promotion of relevant content/information for ICT

applications, and a policy framework in which interventions can function

(Mansell & Wehn 1998; van Audenhove 2001).

Results of the present study indicate the following:

* A majority of participating staff perceived their level of

ICT-related skills to be a problem that could hamper application of

e-health solutions.

* All staff believed that lack of information (i.e. lack of

relevant content for ICT applications) was a barrier to e-health


* In spite of some positive e-health policies that have resulted in

ICT-related applications (e.g. computerised patient administration

system) at some centres, there were also several indications of e-health

policies perceived as inappropriate (e.g. policies that distributed ICTs

to only certain selected departments and inadequate technical support

and maintenance policies).

In summary, there were factors perceived to make ICTs less

user-friendly, as shown by participants' negative perceptions

regarding certain structural variables (especially staff's lack of

ICT-related skills, lack of access to ICTs and the Internet at

healthcare centres, and the old and unreliable state of computer

equipment). On the positive side, none of the staff had a fear of

computers, and nobody thought ICT applications might disagree with their

working style. Apart from structural variables shown to impact on

e-health solutions, psychological variables that underlie

individuals' technology acceptance and use appear to have a decided

influence. Participating healthcare professionals (and most patients

interviewed) strongly believed (a) in ICTs' potential to provide a

variety of useful benefits in the healthcare centres, and (b) that ICTs

could help resolve some of the challenges facing rural healthcare. These

optimistic expectations were qualified by the respondents' more

negative perceptions relating to certain structural requirements for

effective ICT use, namely: perceived lack of a supportive policy

framework governing the use of ICT applications, as well as perceived

lack of useful information as basic to the content of these



It is evident that more effective use of ICTs as part of e-health

initiatives at the rural healthcare centres was seen to be distinctly

possible, but only if perceived shortcomings with regard to structural

variables were addressed. Especially relevant was better access to more

e-facilities, more health-related information made available via ICTs,

ongoing ICT skills training programs and policies for improved

technology maintenance and support.

In conclusion, all structural and psychological factors

investigated were seen to impinge to some extent on effective use of ICT

applications as e-health solutions in the rural healthcare centres

involved in the study. Furthermore, there was a distinct interplay

between the various variables, with perceived ICT-related shortcomings

having a negative impact on perceived usefulness and ease-of-use

variables and thus decreasing the likelihood of effective e-health

solutions. This means that to increase effective use of ICTs that form

part of e-health initiatives in the healthcare centres, a vital first

step is to address reported perceived shortcomings. Broad-based

recommendations covering shortcomings common across the various centres

and are that:

* special attention be given to improving basic infrastructure:

hardware, appropriate software and telecommunications

* skills and knowledge development, ICT skills training programs

and policies for technology maintenance and support be


Fully detailed recommendations specific to the unique situation of

each centre belong in reports to the relevant authorities, rather than

to the present forum. Briefly, these include type and amount of

equipment needed, space and training requirements, water shortages and

catering inadequacies. Having obtained a clear picture of how ICTs can

be used more effectively to improve the healthcare systems in selected

rural Eastern Cape healthcare centres, it is hoped that the findings and

recommendations will in some way contribute to better conditions.

Closely related and equally pertinent issues are being addressed by

research in progress. These issues have to do with quality assurance.

Limited user participation and lack of information about initiatives

appear to be major contributors to e-health project failure in rural

South Africa. There is an urgent need for a quality assurance model that

will aid successful acquisition of e-health solutions in developing


Appendix A

Edited summary of selected questions/items from survey instruments

(interview schedule, questionnaires) to provide an overview of data

collected for this study (1)


Summary of questions

* How can ICT be applied in rural hospitals to support E-Health


* What basic technologies are currently in place that can support

E-Health solutions?

* Do you have access and use a computer?

* Do you have access to a computer with Internet connection?

* Do you have access and use a telephone?

* Where do you access the computer; home, work or community centre?

* How would you rate your knowledge of computers?

* What ICTs or e-health solutions does the community/ hospital


* How can e-health solutions be applied to improve quality or

service delivery, improve-decision making, and reduce costs of

healthcare in the selected five rural communities?

* How can technology improve the quality of services in this


* How can technology reduce cost of services?

* What are the benefits that ICTs (computers, telephones, Internet)

and e-health solutions bring to the rural community?

* What are the barriers for these benefits in your community or



Questionnaire for CEO/Managers: summary of items


* Ownership of clinic/hospital (private, provincial, other).

* Type of geographical area (rural, township, informal settlement,


* Clinic/hospital contact person(s) details.

* Demographics for management staff, doctors, nurses, interns,

clinic staff (gender, race), and quality of their scientific capacity (

teamwork between groups).

* How many people make use of the clinic/hospital services per day?

* Demographics for clinic/hospital daily patients (age, gender and

race of patient).

* What are the major complaints/diseases of patients

(injury/trauma; surgical; internal/organic; paediatrics;



* Languages used by staff on a daily basis.

* Languages used by patients on a daily basis.


* What kind of infrastructure is available to the hospital/ clinic

(transport, access to education, community centres, business/offices,



* When was the clinic/hospital established?

* Who started the clinic/hospital?

* Main projects so far (food gardens, aids campaign, inoculation,


* Relationship between main projects and main achievements to date

at the clinic/hospital.


* Do you have access to a telephone at the clinic/hospital?

* If no, how close is the nearest phone you can use?

* What equipment and facilities does the clinic/hospital have

(desk, chairs; fax; photocopier; computers; printer; modem; computer

network; digital camera; medical library; security; consultation rooms;

beds in wards; beds in ICU; operating theatres/surgery; blood pressure

equipment; ECG; lung function tests; untrasound imaging; x-ray

facilities; blood tests)?

* Specify equipment out of order and period out of order.

* Specify how regularly and which equipment is replaced or


* What kind of equipment is needed?

* What treatment facilities (medicine, surgical facilities) do you

have in your clinic/hospital?

* Which treatments do you normally provide to your patients?


* What are the main services that the clinic/hospital provides to

the community?

* What percentage of your patients belong to a medical aid?

* How frequently do you see the patients after their first visit to

the clinic/hospital?

* What are the typical complaints of patients? Specify the

procedures you follow to address these typical complaints?

* If a doctor makes specific diagnoses, is the hospital able/

equipped to realise the treatment or procedure? (Please specify cases

where this is impossible).

* How is the compliance/obedience of patients addressed?

* What is the general expectancy of your patients in this hospital?

Do some of your patients seek traditional medication? If yes, when, how

often, before coming to you?

* Did the traditional medicine help/work? If yes, in which cases?

* What is your view regarding the combination of traditional and

scientific medicine?

* How often have the following resources been used (phone calls to

other experts; general information at the clinic/ hospital; advice from

other colleagues; referral to other clinics or hospitals)?


* What is your relationship with other clinics or hospitals in the

area? How often do you communicate with other clinics or hospitals

(formal letters; informal meetings; phone; workshops)?

* What are the main topics communicated with other clinics or



* What are the main problems that your clinic/hospital has now, or

has had in the past?


* What are the needs of your clinic/hospital currently (training,

advice, equipment, tools)?


* Do you have any plans or vision for the future of the



* Is there anything else you would like to add?


* How do you think your department could benefit from e-health?

* What do you think the barriers are to your department when making

the most of e-health (.lack of computer equipment; lack of computer

skills; lack of Internet access)?

* How many in your department use the e-health solutions?

* What benefits could e-health bring to the department?


* In your own words, please define e-health.

* What is your current view of the reliability, quality, and

validity of e-health technology for healthcare in a rural community?

* In general, do you believe e-health to be effective? Why or why


* How can e-health assist rural communities?

* What services does e-health provide for better health care?

* What benefit does e-health bring to the department and the

community served?

* What solutions does e-health provide?

* When are e-health solutions used?

* Which of these solutions have you used?

* Why is it important to use e-health?

* How often do you use the e-health solutions (daily, weekly,

monthly, seldom, never)?

* For what function do you normally use e-health solutions?

* Could you provide examples of current e-health solutions for

healthcare that you believe to be effective? How do these work? How do

you know they are effective? How are they evaluated?

* How would you go about evaluating the cost-effectiveness and

quality of e-health solutions? Define what you mean by quality in this


* How can ICT be used to improve quality or reduce costs of

services in rural healthcare centres?

Questionnaire for Staff members: Summary of items


* Description of your area (rural, township, informal settlement,


* Do you have access to telephone services?

* Do you have access to a computer?

* What connection does it have (broadband, dial-up, without

Internet connection)?


A About department:

* In what field does your department specialise? Please specify.

* How many patients can your department accommodate at a time?

* What treatment facilities (medicine, surgical facilities) do you

have in your department/ward?

* Which treatments do you normally provide to you patients?

* How often do you transfer your patients to other

hospitals/clinics and common reasons

* What are the major complaints/diseases of your patients?

B Facilities & Equipment:

* Do you have access to a telephone at the department/ ward? If no,

how close is the nearest phone you can use?

* What equipment and facilities does the department/ward have?

* Specify equipment out of order and period out of order.

* Specify how regularly equipment (specify type) is replaced or


* What kind of equipment is needed?

C e-Health Solutions:

* What basic technologies are currently in place that can support

e-health solutions?

* How can ICT help improve quality or reduce costs of services in

rural healthcare centres?

* How do you think your department could benefit from e-health?

Please specify.

* What do you think can be the barriers to your department when

making the most of e-health?

* How many people in your department use the e-health solutions?

* What benefits does e-health bring to the department?


* In your own words, please define e-health.

* What is your current view of the reliability, quality, and

validity of e-health technology (defined how) for healthcare in rural


* In general, do you believe e-health to be effective? Why or why


* How can e-health assist rural communities?

* What services does e-health provide for better health care?

* What are the benefits e-health brings to the department and the

community served?

* What solutions does e-health provide?

* When are e-health solutions used?

* Which solutions have you used?

* Why is it important to use e-health?

* How often do you use e-health solutions?

* For what function do you normally use e-health solutions?

* Could you provide examples of current e-health solutions for

healthcare that you believe to be effective? How do these work? How do

you know they are effective? How are they evaluated?

* How would you go about evaluating the cost-effectiveness and

quality (defined how) of e-health solutions?

Questionnaire for Patients: Summary of items


* Description of your area (rural, township, informal settlement,


* Do you have access to telephone services (home, work, community


* Do you have access to a computer (home, work, community centre)?

* What connection does it have (broadband, dial-up, without

Internet connection)?


* How many times do you come to the hospital/clinic in a year?

* How do you usually get to the hospital/clinic (own car, hired

car, public transport, other)?

* How much do you spend getting to the hospital/clinic?

* Is access to public transport to the healthcare centres: hard to

find, average, always available?

* Have you ever been transferred to another hospital/ healthcare

institution for service? If yes, how many times?

* How did you get to there?

* How would you rate the cost involved?

* What was the reason for your transfer?

* Do you have any access to your medical record (limited, average,

no access)?

* How do you gain access to your health information (lab results,

disease information)?

* How do you rate the service provided by the hospital (excellent,

good, average, poor, very bad)?

* Please supply any further comments you wish to make or name any

other issues to do with the healthcare services provided by rural

hospital that you think are important.


* What is your level of understanding of ICT technologies (very

good, good, average, poor)?

* How do you rate your computer literacy (very good, good, average,


* What do you usually do with the computer?

* Is your computer, or the one you usually use, connected to


* How much does it cost for you to have an access to ICT

technologies (very expensive, expensive, affordable, cheap)?

* Do you have any understanding of e-health and its solutions? If


* How do you define e-health?

* What are the benefits it brings for rural communities?

* Which solutions are you familiar with?

* What impact do these solution have on rural communities?

* What are the limitations to these solutions?


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(1) The full survey instrument including interview schedule and

three questionnaires is available from the author upon request.

Corresponding author:

Nkqubela L Ruxwana MTech

Doctoral candidate

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

Senior Business Analyst and Part-time Lecturer

Faculty of ICT, Business Informatics Department

Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria Campus

Staatsartillery Road

Pretoria 0001


email: RuxwanaNL@tut.ac.za; Nkqubz@yahoo.co.uk

Marlien E Herselman PhD

Professor and Research Group Leader of Living Labs

Meraka Institute, CSIR

PO Box 395

Pretoria 0001

Adjunct Professor

Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

PO Box 77000

Port Elizabeth 6031


email: mherselman@csir.co.za

D Pieter Conradie PhD

Professor, Research and Innovation

Faculty of Humanities

Tshwane University of Technology, Pretoria Campus

Staatsartillery Road

Pretoria 0001


email: ConradieDP@tut.ac.za

Table 1: Hospital locations


Alfred Nzo Mount Frere Madzikane Ka-Zulu Memorial


OR Tambo Mthatha Nelson Mandela General

(former Umtata) Hospital

Qumbu Nessie Knight Hospital

Tsolo St. Lucy's Hospital

Qumbu Tsilitwa Clinic

Table 2: Number and distribution of questionnaires completed





Manager 1 1 1 1

Staff 5 6 1 4

Patient 2 0 0 4

Total 8 7 2 9





Manager 1 5

Staff 6 22

Patient 5 11

Total 12 38

Table 3: Number and distribution of interviews conducted





Manager 1 1 2 1

Staff 5 6 2 6

Patient 5 5 5 5

Total 11 12 9 12





Manager 1 6

Staff 6 25

Patient 5 25

Total 12 56

Table 4: Number and types of ICTs available at the healthcare centres



Limited number of Computers, telephone

computers, telephone service for a limited number

services, a photocopier, fax, of users. A fax, printer and

printer and telemedicine photocopier.

equipment with Internet




A computer, a telephone, a Relatively large number

digital camera and Internet of computers, printers,

services that are only used a Local Area Network

for telemedicine services. (LAN), a fax, photocopier, a

digital camera, and Internet

services in the offices, plus

telemedicine equipment and

a computerized radiology




The hospital has a wide

range of computers, a

fax, printers, photocopier,

telemedicine equipment

and videoconferencing


Table 5: Perceived barriers for using ICT applications in rural

healthcare centres




Lack computer equipment 100% 100% 100%

Lack computer skills 0% 71% 67%

Lack Internet connection 100% 100% 83%

Old/unreliable equipment 100% 86% 100%

Lack broadband connection 0% 29% 17%

Unsuitable working style 0% 0% 0%

Cost 0% 0% 0%

Fear of computers 0% 0% 0%

Lack of information 100% 100% 100%




Lack computer equipment 100% 91%

Lack computer skills 75% 82%

Lack Internet connection 88% 73%

Old/unreliable equipment 75% 64%

Lack broadband connection 0% 9%

Unsuitable working style 0% 0%

Cost 25% 9%

Fear of computers 0% 0%

Lack of information 100% 100%